You deserve to feel limitless and energetic.

With results-oriented expertise to navigate and treat Hypermobility, Ehlers-Danlos & the related disorders truly living again becomes possible. Get relief in 60 days or less with our Hope for Hypermobility program.

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You deserve to feel limitless and energetic.

With results-oriented expertise to navigate and treat Hypermobility, Ehlers-Danlos & the related disorders truly living again becomes possible. Get relief in 60 days or less with our Hope for Hypermobility program.

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Download your FREE Guide:

How to Talk So Your Doctor Listens


Meet Rebecca

I'm Rebecca Mass-Krajewski! 

I am a Medical Detective, Nurse Practitioner & Hypermobile EDS patient who knows what you experience at home & in clinic.

About The EDS Clinic

We know just how frustrating it is to have your important concerns minimized by your health care professionals. Download our free guide on how to talk to your providers so that they listen…and take action.

Download Your Guide

There is Hope.

There is hope for invisible illnesses like HEDS, POTS & MCAS when you have a Medical Detective who is a results-oriented expert.  

Want direct support and immediate relief? 

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We truly believe you.


We will never tell you to just relax, do more yoga, or that it's all in your head.

Our Hope for Hypermobility course was designed to help hypermobile folks access the support they need without having to wait for consult availability.

We didn’t have the appointment availability to treat everyone, so we build this community-oriented program to give you the same relief, at reduced cost, with the opportunity to connect with other Hypermobiles just like you–as well as get support from Rebecca directly.


Learn More About The Course

What clients are saying:

"Previously, I was passed from shrugging doctor to shrugging doctor before being referred to you – my health situation basically held together with chewing gum and twine... Your validation of my experience and the realness of my strange symptoms took what was otherwise isolating, confusing, and at times scary – and reminded me that I'm not crazy, these things are indeed hard, and continuing to follow-up and explore leads is worth it. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I know it's your job, but it's been so much more than a job. It's changed my life, and the life of my family. We are all truly grateful."

-Sarah M.

"Rebecca you are my EDS superhero and seriously changed my life! It is hard to put into words how validating the Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis was. To know it was genetic and not in my head. I didn’t know how tiring living in my body was or how much I learned not to trust it after being told I was fine so many times...

I really cannot even explain how beyond grateful I am for your help. It makes me emotional!! So many years of being told nothing was wrong, to then meeting you who listened and understood, it was truly a life changing experience."

-Sami L.

"Rebecca you are my EDS superhero and seriously changed my life! It is hard to put into words how validating the Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis was. To know it was genetic and not in my head. I didn’t know how tiring living in my body was or how much I learned not to trust it after being told I was fine so many times...

I really cannot even explain how beyond grateful I am for your help. It makes me emotional!! So many years of being told nothing was wrong, to then meeting you who listened and understood, it was truly a life changing experience."

-Sami L.

"I had no idea that my EDS affected so many other body parts like my stomach pain and dizziness. I finally have someone who is an expert in my health problems!"

"It is so hard to find a provider who is empathetic. After looking for ages for someone who gets it, believes me, and understands my body. I am so grateful to have found Rebecca!"

"It is so hard to find a provider who is empathetic. After looking for ages for someone who gets it, believes me, and understands my body. I am so grateful to have found Rebecca!"

Frequently Asked Questions

You CAN feel better! 

Take control of your health today.

Get connected with Hypermobility & EDS experts who understand your unique health history and the relationships between EDS and other disorders.

Here at The EDS Clinic, you don't need to explain yourself. We already believe you.

Check out our Hope For Hypermobility program